The last two years have been a major catalyst for change in the way many of us work, and the Land Trust is no exception. Back in March of 2020 we quickly moved our entire staff to a remote work arrangement. Luckily, we were well set up for this move with technologies to support the continuation of our day-to-day work. Since then, we’ve been re-envisioning our office and how it might operate going forward, and now that pandemic conditions are improving, we wanted to share those updates with you.
The Land Trust’s office is now a hybrid work space. We’ve reconfigured our office from individual work stations to more general work spaces that all staff can use. This helped alleviate some space shortages, modernize our office, and provide a better space for our growing staff. What does that mean for you?
It also means that sometimes our office will have limited staffing. Some of our staff members continue to work remotely, others work in the office full-time, and some work in both places. Email and/or phone will continue to be the best way to get in touch with individual staff members, and we suggest calling before stopping by if you are hoping to see someone in particular.
Major thanks to you all for your patience while we’ve transitioned our operations the last two years! We know it has been strange to not have the regular connections we were all so accustomed to sharing. We are also so grateful to the Kirby-Jones Foundation for supporting out office update!
Come visit us! We are so looking forward to seeing you all once again.