Photo: John Williams.

Aspen Hollow Preserve Neighbor News

Your hub for news and updates about Aspen Hollow Preserve!

Questions? Contact our team!

Do you have questions, kudos, or other feedback? Let us know:

As a neighbor of Deschutes Land Trust's Aspen Hollow Preserve, we want to keep you up-to-date on activities at the Preserve. That's why we've created this Aspen Hollow Preserve news hub with links to our Neighbor Newsletters and other updates from the Preserve. We also encourage you to join us for hikes at the Preserve, volunteer at the Preserve, or contact us if you have any questions. Thank you!

Aspen Hollow Preserve Neighbor Newsletters:


Other news about Aspen Hollow Preserve:

Spring Wildlife Wanderings

Jul 02, 2018
We love spring because baby animals are out exploring our Preserves for the first time! Check out the slideshow for some of the wildlife we have seen this spring.

Your Guide to the Clouds

May 15, 2018
Do you ever gaze at the sky and wonder what kinds of clouds you see? Check out our guide to clouds and see if you can recognize some of these the next time you've got an eye to the sky.

Ten Facts about Golden Eagles

May 01, 2017
The Land Trust's Aspen Hollow Preserve has a golden eagle nest. Learn more about the nests and courtship behavior of these magnificent birds.