Photo: Land Trust.

Skyline Forest Update

Oct 06, 2023 by Jana Hemphill
The Land Trust's update on our progress towards a permanent conservation solution for Skyline Forest.

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The Land Trust has continued the behind-the-scenes effort to find a permanent conservation solution for Skyline Forest. We’re pleased to say that we continue to secure key funding and community partnerships that will enable us to permanently conserve Skyline Forest. The last remaining hurdle is to come to an agreement with the sellers on the value of this very unique property. While there are no guarantees, we are hopeful that we can find a path forward in the near future. Stay tuned!

While our behind-the-scenes work continues, we encourage you to review the newly released Envision Bend Action Plan. Skyline Forest is a designated community priority in the plan and we hope its inclusion will only grow the number of folks who support this long-term conservation effort!


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